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Is It Safe To Eat Egg After C-Section?

Caesarean, or better known as C-section is a major surgical delivery of a baby. It involves one incision in the mother’s abdomen and another in the uterus. A C-section delivery demands special post-operative care for recovery.

According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); pregnancy, labour and delivery drains a mother’s energy reserves. A well-balanced nutritious meal during the one-month confinement period is important to restore a mother to good health.

But can eggs be consumed after a Caesarean delivery?

1. Eggs 101

Eggs are a very good course of inexpensive, high quality protein. They are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12, betaine, choline and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper.

During pregnancy and when breastfeeding, an adequate supply of choline is essential for baby’s brain development.

All things considered, an egg contains all the nutrients and building blocks required to grow a chick. This is how egg-ceptional an egg is!

2. Where did eggs get their bad reputation from?

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) viewpoint, the toxicity level explains why we are advised to avoid or consume a certain food during the confinement’s recovery period.

In case of seafood like crabs and prawns, they are considered to have higher toxicity levels, although within the safety threshold for humans. So a new mother who just had surgery would be advised to avoid them. Fish has a much lower toxicity level and thus, is a vital food during the confinement period.

Eggs, on the other hand, are deemed to have a low-to-moderate level of toxicity, especially in case of general allergies. Our immune system may be weaker post-surgery, so the body may react to certain foods differently. Mothers who have undergone a c-section can eat eggs, as long as it does not exceed the recommended of 2 eggs per day.

3. Why have eggs?

Eggs are rich in protein and are easily absorbed by the body. Protein plays a crucial part in healing. Eggs are packed full of protein that are easily digestible. This would ease your body to concentrate on recovery, absorbing nutrients to aid in the process.

Whether you had a natural or a c-section delivery, consuming 2 eggs and above in a day will cause excessive cholesterol that will increase metabolic burden.

4. Eggs for wound healing

Some believe eggs slow down the wound recovery process. On the contrary, there are great benefits of eggs that come largely from its high content of zinc.

Zinc not only assists in the production of new tissue but also strengthens the immune system, which can help defend the body against infection. Eggs are also rich in protein, which is essential to cells development and the forming of new tissue for C-section scar healing.

However, please seek your doctor’s advice if you are in doubt. Each mother is different so each lifestyle, allergies and pre-existing conditions should be considered.

Families who are concerned by the myth that eating eggs after surgery can cause wound inflammation, can opt to replace eggs with another source of meat.


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